Monday, August 9, 2010

The waste of War

Seems that once the Japanese were driven out of the Solomon Islands, the Americans decided to turn the islands back over to British rule. Seems we had stockpiles of equipment, fuel, and ammunition's on the islands that we offered at a discount rate to the Brits. But they were not willing to buy what we left behind, so a "mop-up" operation was put into action where everything that was military was gathered up, at a location close to the shore, and stored until enough could be gathered to dispose of it.

Pictured first was the foundation for the concrete slab we walked on, where the Americans filled 55 gallon drums with sand, and poured the concrete slab on top, forming the platform, where Quonset Huts stored the items for disposal. The next picture shows one of the many bays, minus of course the Quonset Hut. Barney reported that row upon row of storage was brought there, and landing craft were then dispatched to take jeeps, weapons, medical and food out into Iron Bottom Sound, and dumped. Barney further reports that natives went out and were able to salvage food in cans for years afterward.

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