Friday, July 30, 2010

Alcohol Travel Advisory

If you plan to follow in our footsteps and visit the Solomon Islands, let me be the first to tell you that Alcohol procurement is a problem once there. Outer islands, forget it. If the bar does not sell it, it is not to be had. And since you are in transit (usually) from the states to let's say, Fiji, and then from Fiji to Vanatu, and then the Solomons, and each time you go through (mandatory) in-transit security, your alcohol WILL be confiscated at the check points. (Aussies are so temperamental about their Crown Royal being confiscated.) So the last BASTION of hope for Duty Free is at the in-transit Air Port on Vanuatu. We had a beer, but trusted that we could buy a bottle or two on Guadalcanal. Right, that's like going on the Indian Reservations and trying to buy hard alcohol. Seems the American Indians and the Solomon Natives are missing the same Gene necessary when it comes to processing alcohol, so there were not any liquor stores. And I am not too sure you want to be wandering the streets after you have bought the booze anyway! So everyone in your party should buy their alloted 2.5 litres of booze, and bring it in, from Vanuato, or else it's the hotel bars and prices that will bring you down to earth, quickly. We missed that it the travel brochure, along with a lot of other stuff, that will be covered later. Here Dru is buying two nasty beers, and a K&P for me. (Kiwi flavored 7-up, not great) from PNG (Papua New Guinea). We should have been buying Cubans and Patron, or Rum.

1 comment:

  1. The beer in Vanuatu was good compared to SolBrew, the beer of Solomon Islands. The bar and duty free shop here take U.S. dollars (and Australian dollars), but not Solomon Dollars.
